Featured Insight
Redefining success: A new playbook for African fintech leaders
As African fintechs evolve, businesses and investors are shifting their focus from a growth-at-all-costs approach to investing in sustainable paths to success.
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Overcoming sub-Saharan Africa’s health workforce paradox
Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa face high healthcare worker unemployment—while coping with a severe shortage of healthcare professionals. Five strategic shifts may help narrow the gap.
McKinsey Direct
Turning a corner: The State of Grocery Retail South Africa 2024
After several challenging years, South Africa’s grocery market appears to be turning a corner. What are the implications for grocery players?
Nature stress test: Assessing exposure of five African banking systems
Nature-related risks are impacting Africa’s natural ecosystems and economy. An enabling environment could accelerate action from Africa’s private financial sector to manage risks and opportunities.
McKinsey Direct
Vital signs: Emergency medicine for distressed manufacturing sites
At some factories, underperformance isn’t just financial—it may also threaten safety, quality, or the environment. An unconventional improvement approach can help these sites regain health and vitality.
Africa’s leap ahead into cloud: Opportunities and barriers
Early indications hint at an impressive surge into the cloud by some African businesses—and the potential to unlock much greater value.
Platinum-group metals greening the future: An interview with Prakashim Moodliar
Prakashim Moodliar explains how Anglo American Platinum considers its community impact as it works to achieve its carbon-neutral goals.
Solving the climate finance equation for developing countries
To achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, it will be vital to mobilize sufficient capital to drive decarbonization in developing countries.
A McKinsey Africa podcast with Ashraf Sabry, founder and CEO of Fawry
Africa’s fintech start-ups are leveraging mobile technology and innovative platforms to transform digital banking. We spoke with Ashraf Sabry, founder and CEO of Fawry, about the sector’s potential.
Green energy in Africa presents significant investment opportunities
It is possible to address Africa’s large and growing energy needs while simultaneously transitioning to sustainable energy production on the continent.
Manufacturing Africa’s future: Jobs, growth, and sustainability
Africa’s anticipated population surge by 2050 will require robust job creation. Could the manufacturing sector provide roles for the next generation?
Case Study
Made in Africa: Catalyzing stronger, sustainable, and inclusive economies
Manufacturing is the bedrock of a growing economy. Foreign direct investment can play a key role in nurturing this sector to accelerate sustainability and inclusion in emerging economies.
Featured Collection
Green Africa Series
As a result of its high exposure and vulnerability to climate hazards, a third of the people considered most at risk in the world live in Africa.
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