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| When you hear the word “courage,” what image comes to mind? Perhaps you see a soldier in a combat zone or a firefighter rushing into a burning building. Courage is that, of course, but it isn’t confined to extreme situations. Courage is also about embracing vulnerability. It’s about tuning in to that voice inside that tells us to shake things up or hold our ground on tough issues. It’s daring to step away from what’s comfortable, whether that’s quitting your nine-to-five job to start a new business or speaking up in a meeting when you normally wouldn’t.
This edition of Readers & Leaders explores courage in its many forms. New York Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas D. Kristof recounts his path from a small-town farm to every corner of the world to report on protests, massacres, civil wars, genocides, addiction, and despair; Marine Corps veteran Nate Boaz shares how he’s conquered danger head-on; Alison Taylor helps organizations discern when they should lend their voice to a contentious issue; Elaine Lin Hering shares how to build the confidence to find the voice you’ve learned to bury; and teenagers Jason Liaw and Fenley Scurlock offer a road map for aspiring entrepreneurs of all ages.
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| | | | | | It’s time to stock up on your beach reads. Explore April’s business bestsellers, prepared exclusively for McKinsey by Circana. Check out the full selection on McKinsey on Books. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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The Journey of Leadership (Portfolio/Penguin Group), McKinsey’s next major book, will publish in the United States and the United Kingdom on September 10. The book, by Dana Maor, Kurt Strovink, Ramesh Srinivasan, and senior partner emeritus Hans-Werner Kaas, is the first-ever explanation of McKinsey’s step-by-step approach to transforming leaders both professionally and personally, including revealing lessons from its legendary CEO leadership program, the “Bower Forum,” which has counseled 500-plus global CEOs over the past decade. It is a journey that helps leaders hone the psychological, emotional, and, ultimately, human attributes that result in success in today’s most demanding top job.
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| —Edited by Eleni Kostopoulos, managing editor, New York
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